
Why Give To RGCC?

We ask that you donate not simply based on the vision of RGCC but also on the history of this church’s impact on and outreach to the community that it loves so dearly.

Our church, led by Pastor Yon, is well known in the community through its outreach and ministerial efforts.

Below is a list of ways RGCC attempts to get beyond the walls to bless our community and we hope that these things inspire you to support us as we support our community.


  1. Outreach History –  (Founded 2007)
    1. Back To School Events: Since August 2007, > 10,000 backpacks distributed.
    2. Laundromat Outreach:  This is a “buy-out” of the Northside laundromat and allow anyone to come wash their clothes for free.  The church provides detergent, bleach, and dryer sheets along with breakfast and lunch during this outreach.
    3. Gas Buy Down:  During this outreach, RGCC gives every purchase of gasoline cash back to help offset the high cost of gas.
    4. Annual Thanksgiving Basket Give-a-Ways
    5. Christmas Outreach & Outreach Partnership:  RGCC Partners with Jefferson Outreach For Youth to assist families in attaining toys for Christmas, along with assisting families directly.
    6. Donations To Brynwood:  After A Hurricane left Jefferson County without power for a number of days, RGCC provided meals for the staff of Brynwood to help take care of those who take care of others.  Also, RGCC has provided gifts for residents such as sox and quilts to assist in their stay.  And prior to the Corona outbreak, RGCC ministered to the residents of Brynwood on a monthly basis and is currently looking to resume that role.
    7. Meals & Support for The Jefferson Tigers Football, Track, & Senior Breakfast
    8. First Harvest Food Bank to provide food for Jefferson county residents.
    9. Donations To Other Local Agencies:  RGCC has been in partnership or has contributed to the work of to the following organizations.
      1. United Force of Jefferson County
      2. Jefferson County Community Partnership
      3. Jefferson County Getting Ahead
      4. Jefferson County Ministerial Association
      5. Jefferson County Elementary Reading Program
      6. Jefferson County High School (Prom)
      7. Greenville Madison Learning Center
      8. Greenville Elementary
      9. La’Kay’s Helping Hands Thanksgiving Meal Partnership
  2. Giving Into The Community – Since 2014*
    1. More Than $30,000 in Benevolence Assistance To Citizens In Need
    2. More Than $70,000 in Outreach Efforts
  3. Our Vision: – To transform lives to the Glory of God through Outreach, Arts, Technology, and Teaching.
  4. Our Passion: Passion – To bless our community!

In sum, why give to us?  Because the more you give, means the more we can do!!!

*Note:  Current fiscal tracking system goes back to 2014 and does not include all efforts between 2007 – 2014.$RestoredGlory

By check or money order
Restored Glory Christian Center
P.O. Box 219
Monticello, FL 32345

RGCC Giving Statements & System Access

To request one of the following please fill out the form below or email Giving@RestoredGlory.Org.

  • A copy of your annual giving statement
  • Access to view & print your own giving statement
  • Both – Access the system and a copy of your giving statement.