Mission Statement
“Train up a child in the way [s]he should go: and when [s]he is old,
[s]he will not depart from it.”
–Proverbs 22:6
Relying upon the God-given wisdom, instruction, and counsel of the women of the church, the You Go Girl! Ministry is designed to “train up” girls in the word of God. This ministry’s mission is the same as that of Restored Glory Christian Center:
Mission L.I.F.E.:
(L)ead non-believers to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
(I)mpact the region by representing and re-presenting the kingdom of God.
(F)ellowship in unity, displaying God’s love and the glory of Jesus Christ.
(E)mpower believers with the truth of God’s word.
Through bible-based and age-appropriate teachings, You Go Girl! provides a solid foundation that leads to
Ultimately, the ministry’s goal is to assist girls in finding their worth in God, so they can find their places in the church and make a difference in it and in the community.
You Go Girl! events are directed by the Women’s Ministry of Restored Glory Christian Center.