A Beautiful Thing

January 15, 2011

Hi Ladies,

Last night we walked four miles and added on a little Tae Bo at the end. It was a great workout, but something happened that made me think about how each of us needs to make sure we are focused in our walk with the Lord.

You see, we had a few friends who stopped by to check out what we were doing. At some points during the workout, they joined in, and at other points, they observed, making a few comments about whether or not we were doing the movements like they were being done on the video. The comments were funny, and we did laugh because, in all honesty, we probably did look a bit ridiculous. But guess what? We kept moving.

As I said before, what happened last night was in fun. But I did wake up this morning thinking about how some of us may be going through some “not-so-fun” ridicule from others who don’t quite understand why we’re doing what we’re doing.

I am reminded of Mary, the woman with the alabaster box. The Gospels tell us that she broke a whole jar of expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus to honor him. Luke tells us that she even wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair and kissed them (7:38). Of course, many people thought she was out of line, especially when they saw her pouring out this perfume that was worth an entire year of wages. They said “Why this waste?” (Matt. 26:8; Mark 14:4). Some of them even thought she was too sinful to be touching Jesus.

But Mary didn’t let their comments bother her; she kept going. And in response, Jesus said her actions were “a beautiful thing unto [him]” (Matt. 26:10; Mark 14:6).
Like Mary, we need to stay focused on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Don’t worry about the nay-sayers who think, “It don’t take all that.” You know what God has done in your life, and by the unction of the Holy Spirit, you know what your body, your prayers, your praise, and your worship need to look like to honor Him. So keep praying, keep giving, keep believing, and keep moving, knowing that your dedication is “a beautiful thing” unto the Lord

In His love,
