This week, I had to slow down, just a little bit, as my body battled a little bug. But while my body was battling, my spirit was fighting back, too—-and praising—-still drawn to the story of Esther, so we’re going to stay right here and find out more about her beauty treatments.
In part one of this message, we saw how Esther endured a whole year of getting her body in physical shape to come into the presence of the king. She had to purify herself with oils and adorn herself with cosmetics, so she could smell and look her finest when she stood before the royal king. Some of us might think a whole year is a long time. We might think that it “shouldn’t have to take all that.” But when we think about all that was at stake, all that this young lady would be gaining, we should change our minds and realize that one year was well worth the wait.
You see, not only did that year prepare the young ladies but also it prepared the king because it gave him time to make sure he knew what he was getting. As one commentary’s states, the women had to wait before they came before the king, “partly that it might be a clear case they were not with child by another.” Yeah, that’s right. The king had to also make sure his queen-to-be wasn’t carrying another man’s baby—that she wasn’t trying to pull the wool over his eyes.
Of course, the king wanted his queen to have the look, the smell, the figure, the dress, and the mannerisms all down pat. But he wasn’t a fool. Before he laid eyes on her, before he touched her, before he communed with her, before he set her in a position of royalty, he had to make sure she was his and ALL his! I hope you see where I’m going here.
We, too, have been called to serve our King—King Jesus— and to walk in positions of authority “for such a time as this.” And while our King will allow us to come into His presence, so He can touch us in a special way and call us His own, our King also wants to see some dedication, some consistency, and some purging to make sure we are truly sold out to Him.
I know, you may have issues you’re carrying—some things people have told you about yourself that you have believed and conceived. Things like you’re not going to make it, you’re never going to lose weight, you’re never going to amount to anything, you can’t have a better job, a better house, a better life. Whatever that issue is, today, I’m here to tell you that King Jesus ain’t that baby’s daddy! Send that issue back to satan, the father of lies, and get movin’ in the plans and promises of God: You ARE going to make it, you ARE his chosen queen, you WILL lose the weight and be fit for your King, and you WILL have life and have it more abundantly—to the full!! (John 10:10).
Today, don’t forsake your beauty treatments. Forget those things which are behind you, and “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phillipians 3:13-14) because your preparation season is here!
Get Movin’,
Veronica Yon